WeatherWay Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains the handling of personal information for users of the WeatherWay service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). The Service does not collect any personal information and strives to respect and protect users' privacy to the best of its ability.

  1. Collection of Personal Information and Methods The Service does not collect personal information from users; therefore, information regarding the collection method is not applicable.
  2. Purpose of Personal Information Use Since the Service does not collect personal information, the purpose of use is not applicable.
  3. Provision and Sharing of Information The Service does not share or provide users' personal information with third parties.
  4. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies The Service does not use cookies or similar technologies.
  5. Information Security and Protection Measures While the Service does not collect users' personal information, reasonable measures are taken to ensure information security and protection.
  6. User Rights Since the Service does not collect personal information, special measures regarding users' rights are not necessary. However, users can withdraw consent for the Service at any time.
  7. Linked Sites The Service may contain links to third-party websites. These linked sites are outside the scope of this Privacy Policy, and users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of those sites.
  8. Protection of Minors' Personal Information The Service does not target children under the age of 14 and does not intentionally collect their personal information without parental consent.
  9. Personal Information Management Officer The Service designates a personal information management officer to handle inquiries and complaints related to personal information processing.

This Privacy Policy is effective from 2024.3.26. Any changes to this policy will be announced within the Service. For questions or inquiries regarding the Privacy Policy, please contact:

[Company Name] EIFER [Email Address] [email protected]